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    May Membership Meeting: Social Media In the Workplace

    Date: May 13, 2014, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
    OA SHRM Chapter
    286 Market Street
    Seneca, SC 29678
    (864) 882-3450
    Members: FREE / Guests: $15
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    Ninety-four percent of all businesses with a marketing department use social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+, to increase brand awareness and to communicate with over one billion users on these sites. Technology is rapidly changing the way we conduct business, and social media has become the dominate form of communication.

    The benefits of social media are obvious. Social media can act as a customer service tool allowing consumers to interact with businesses about their products. Social media marketing campaigns can be very inexpensive and, when successful, can increase brand awareness.

    Yet despite this popularity, organizations struggle to keep pace with the evolving technology and employers find it increasingly difficult to balance the competing interests of an employee's privacy against the employer's security. Complicating matters, the law governing social media in the workplace is unsettled.

    Join us as we learn more about this fascinating topic!